A peace offering from Siri
Every year, there’s an announcement about new features and improvements in Siri. They generally consist of:
- Here are some fancy new features that make a great demo, but I’m more interested in existing stuff working correctly.
- Here are some major improvements that sound similar to what you already announced last year or the year before. Well, they still don’t work.
So I suggest a peace offering from Siri for her (or his, or their) users.
- Allow every user to submit one Siri feature they’d like to see work reliably. Very targeted things like playing a song, setting a timer, or telling me the weather.
- Collect all the requests and rank the Top 10 suggestions
- Fix at least one of them so that it’s better than 95% reliable
- Disband all future work on Siri
Then we can just accept the current state of Siri and not have our dreams crushed yearly. If you never have problems with Siri, I suspect you are not using it with HomePod.