Xcode nuclear option
If you’ve ever had a bizarre problem in Xcode and you’ve given up hope, this post is for you. Some frustrating things you might see:
- Breakpoints stop working
- A framework or library can’t be found that the compiler found moments ago
- Symbols in linked frameworks are no longer found
- This is not a comprehensive list.
I wrote this script a decade ago and in this frustrating moments, I run it, and go get a refreshing beverage while my computer reboots. It’s kind of unbelievable how often this has saved me. Maybe it will help you at least once in your life.
Note: Read the script first as it deletes your caches and DerivedData folder. It shouldn’t be a problem but you should be aware what it’s doing.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
#edit this to point to your DerivedData folder
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/*Xcode*
sudo find /var/folders -iname xcode -exec mv \{\} \{\}.saved \;
echo "Reboot is recommended!\n"